Do you struggle to make data and PLC conversations meaningful?

Struggling making data and PLC conversations meaningful?

Try this FREE editable Data Tracking Tool and Data-Based PLC Conversation starters from Chris Pombonyo to make data collection, analysis, and reflection meaningful and intentional for student growth and mastery.

Meaningful and purposeful data collection and reflection is key for the success of students. While students are working independently on an assessment or data point, teachers should be working to collect valuable information in the moment that can then be used to be strategic instructional moves. But how can we do this in a meaningful way? Use this editable Data Tracking Spreadsheet to collect student data while students are working. Here’s how it works: 

  1. Use the editable version to input your student names, question numbers, correct answers, and question type (Based on skill/standard) for any upcoming assessment or data point. 

  2. Print out your tracking sheet and while students are working, walk around collecting student responses and correct/incorrect answers. If the answer is correct, simply put a check in that box. If the answer is incorrect, put the incorrect answer they chose. 

  3. Use your completed tracking sheet, Next Steps planning sheet, and Data-Based PLC Question Guide to have intentional and meaningful data-based conversations as you reflect on your data to plan for next steps for instruction. 

By using data to guide your team conversations and plan for further instruction, you are sure to take your student’s learning to new heights!  If you didn’t grab your free download yet, click here to grab it now! You will ROCK your data collection with these tips!


2022 GYTO Free Resource Rewind


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