Get Your Teach On

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Letter from Hope - October 2023

October 2, 2023

Hello to our Amazing Get Your Teach On Community!

You guys. As I write this email, I am STILL beaming with joy from what this community just did across the world! So let’s get into it….

I'm absolutely thrilled to reach out to each and every one of you as we bask in the incredible success of Rock Your School Day 2023! Your passion, creativity, and dedication have electrified education, setting off sparks of inspiration that will resonate with students for years to come.

We set out with a goal in mind: to inspire over 100,000 educators and touch the lives of over 2.5 million students across the nation, and you know what? We didn't just meet that goal; we blew it out of the water! 

Classrooms across the globe were transformed into vibrant centers of learning, where imagination ran wild, curiosity was ignited, and magic happened. The energy you brought into your classrooms sent waves of positivity rippling through the world of education, proving that learning is not just about facts and figures; it's about creating unforgettable experiences that spark a lifelong love for learning. Students first then standards. Love then learning. 

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students and the field of education. Thank you for embracing creativity and innovation, even in the face of challenges. Thank you for being the shining beacons of hope and inspiration that our students look up to every single day.

Remember, our impact goes far beyond the walls of our classrooms. We're shaping the future, one day at a time, one lesson at a time, and one inspiring moment at a time. Your commitment to Rock Your School Day has not only transformed your classrooms but has also set a powerful example for educators all around the world.

As we move forward, let's carry this momentum with us. Let's keep pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and continuing to ignite the flame of curiosity within our students. Let's remind ourselves that education isn't just about what we teach—it's about the experiences we create, the connections we foster, and the dreams we inspire.

Thank you for being the superheroes of education, for rocking your schools, and for making a difference that will last a lifetime. Keep that spirit alive, and let's continue to change the world, one classroom at a time.

With boundless gratitude and inspiration,

Hope King,
Co-Founder & CEO, Get Your Teach On